Made to Order Software Corporation Logo


Table of Contents Known Issues

Various known issues with the Table of Contents module.

Teaser appear, FCKeditor accentuated letters,  Back to top arrow, Filters interaction (JavaScript removal,) headers numbering, double numbering...

To Do Block


Go to Administer » Site building » Modules and click on To Do Block to install the Block extension for the To Do module.

SimpleMenu Known Issues

SimpleMenu Disappears

There following are a few of the main reasons why SimpleMenu disappears.

Pop-up Windows

By default, SimpleMenu wants to hide itself in pop-up windows. This is a feature.

The reason is that many websites will open pop-up windows for all kinds of extra-features such as uploading an image or printing some description of an image or the definition of a word or product.

These windows should not include the SimpleMenu bar.

There is a dedicated page giving several different ways to fix this problem on your website.

Menu Overflow

Long menu going out of screen vertically and horizontally.Very long menus will disappear on the

Handling of Pop-up Windows by SimpleMenu


By default, SimpleMenu is not shown on pop-up windows. There is a flag in the SimpleMenu settings that can be unchecked to avoid this side effect. The pop-up capability is often detected when you open a new tab from the current window. It will depend on the browser and the link being clicked1.

Quick Fix

When the menu is only used by the administrators, it is possible to simply open a new tab and copy and paste the URL from the existing window with the missing menu to the ...

  • 1. We are trying to ameliorate the code, but it is not easy to make it work properly 100% of the time.

Help for To Do List End Users


To Do List Help IconThis page documents the usage of the To Do List module to end users (i.e. not how to install and setup the module, but how to create To Do List items, share them, mark them started/finished, etc.)

For administrative information check out the To Do List module help.

To Do List Global Settings

Global Settings

Global settings are found under Administer » Site configuration » To do list (admin/settings/to_do).

Only To Do List administrators can edit the Global Settings.

Discuss This! module Known Issues

The module works and is secure, however, there are problems difficult to circumvent. The following lists them. If you can help fixing some them, you'll be more than welcome!

Reordering the Comments on your Node

It is possible to reorder the node fields using the CCK module. If the Discuss This! comments do not appear exactly where you'd expect them to be, try using the the CCK module:

  1. Download the CCK module
  2. Install the CCK module
  3. Go to Administer » Content management » Content types
  4. Click on Manage content fields next to the node type you are ...

Insert Node Parameter: demote (6-1.2) [no content]

Demote (positive) or promote (negative) the headers found in the output before inserting it into your node.

This is useful if you want to include a complete node that has an H1 title, H2 sub-titles, etc. and make these sub-titles of your current page, maybe starting at H3 (i.e. using "... demote=2; ..." in your tag.)

By default, the value of this parameter is expected to be 1. To change the value use the following syntax:


The integer can be negative, in which case it promotes the headers (i.e. H3 can be changed to H1 using "... demote=-2; ...


SWF Action
Action Category: 
Action Details: 
Action Identifier: 
Action Structure: 
unsigned short   f_size;
Action Length: 
2 byte(s)
Action Stack: 
pop 1 (o)
Action Operation: 
with o1
  // execute f_size bytes of actions
end with;
Action Flash Version: 

The variable references within the following f_size bytes of action are taken as names of members of the specified object o1. When no member of that name is available in that object, the previous With, or the corresponding global variable is queried. This is similar to the Pascal language with instruction or to the Set Target (dynamic) for movies.


SWF Action
Action Category: 
String and Characters
Action Details: 
Action Identifier: 
Action Structure: 
Action Length: 
0 byte(s)
Action Stack: 
pop 1 (a), push 1 (s)
Action Operation: 
a1 := pop();
r := a1.toString();
Action Flash Version: 

Pops one item and transform it into a string.

For strings, this action has no effect.

For numbers, it works as expected, it transforms them in a string (see the sprintf(3C) manual pages).

For a user defined object, the method named toString() is called.

This is similar to a Cast Object operation, although it is available in version 5 and obviously it only works for strings. It is most certainly preferable to use a Cast Object operation since version 7.