Creating Groups with Taxonomy VTN

Taxonomy VTN adds many fields in your taxonomy forms. When editing your taxonomy, one field is called Taxonomy VTN Group. This field is used to group different vocabularies (i.e. taxonomies) together in a group.

Screenshot of Taxonomy VTN Group setup field. Click to enlarge.The field accepts one or more group names. The names are case insensitive and are separated by commas. For instance, you could have three names such as: Kitchen, Utensils, Stainless Steel. Then another vocabulary could mention Kitchen and yet another Utensils, Wood.

The groups change the display in the Taxonomy VTN root page. A specific group can also be accessed using the URL:<group name>

Note that the root folder does not directly link to the groups. The primary use of the groups are just to group taxonomies in your Taxonomy VTN root directory. Without the groups, all the taxonomies appear in alphabetical order.

In the sample below, the Development Languages and Site Index taxonomies where put in the Site group. Similarly, the Forums and MO Glossary taxonomies were put in the Utility group.

Sample using groups in Taxonomy VTN. Click to enlarge