To Do Rules

The To Do module includes a sub-module called To Do Rules extension.


The Rules extension includes the events as follow.

Each event is sent once per user assigned to a To Do item, including self-assigned users. It includes 4 parameters: the To Do item (a node); the To Do item author; the currently logged in user; and the assigned user. The node supports additional tokens that can be used as conditions (see below).

  • To Do Event Started

This event occurs when the Start button is clicked on a To Do item. This event is sent once.

  • To Do Event Reminder

This event occurs when CRON detects a To Do item that is closing in onto its deadline. In this case, the action user is the Anonymous user. This event may be sent up to 3 times.

  • To Do Event Deadline Reached

This event occurs the day CRON detects that a To Do item reached the day of the deadline. The action user is the Anonymous user. This event is sent once.

  • To Do Event Past Deadline

This event occurs the day after CRON detected that a To Do item reached the deadline. The action user is the Anonymous user. This event is sent once.

  • To Do Event was Completed

This event occurs when a user clicks the Finished button. This event is sent once.

  • To Do Event was Unpublished Automatically

Once completed, an event can automatically be unpublished by the To Do module. This happens when CRON detects that the time between the Finished button is clicked and the interval defined in the settings has elapsed (it may be instantaneous in which case CRON won't be generating this event; it will instead be a cascade event from the user who clicked on the Finished button.)

In this case, the action user may either be the person clicked on the button or the Anonymous user.

  • To Do Event is being Deleted Automatically

Old To Do items can automatically be deleted by CRON when unpublished and marked as finished. This event is sent right before it gets deleted. You cannot prevent the deletion at this point.


At this point, the module does not offer specific conditions. However, all the parameters defined by the To Do module are accessible by the Rules module using the Tokens module.

This is done by adding a condition such as the Rules Number condition and using one of the To Do tokens. For example, to test the priority, one can use [to-do-priority-raw] against a number such as 2 for High.

For the priority and status, it is also possible to use a name.

To know the values, you can use the Tokens filter and enter such tokens in your To Do items and see the results.


At this point, no actions are available.