Most of the tags will use sub-structures that are common to multiple tags. These are defined in the pages listed below.
PHP eFax is very popular and generates many questions from our customers and potential customers. We try to answer those questions on our website for a quick read from our users. You can always ask us additional questions by contacting us directly or by posting a comment on the FAQ page.
This is a quite interesting article which I thought I should share and keep a copy of!
Most of us, even if we can determine whether a piece of software (or hardware!) can be hacked, we just do not have the time to spend on testing each device we use to ensure that no hackers will be able to get it. We rely on the manufacturer to do that work for us.
This article shows that even though all manufacturers have protections, all are vulnerable! And that means your data is vulnerable on your cell phones... Hope this does not scare you too much!
Note by the way that those people who have plenty of ...
If you are using a WYSIWYG editor, it is not unlikely to add a <p> tag at the bottom with a character to make sure that you can place your cursor on that last line. The problem with that is it also adds a lot of space at the bottom of your header and footer in the CuteMenu.
The best is to turn off your WYSIWYG editor whenever you edit these nodes. Since only the administrator is likely to change the header and footer of the menus, it should be just fine.
Dear reader,
Yes. With all these terms, it is quite easy to get lost.
As a developer, my skills are quite extensive. I started with Logo, learned assembly language, BASIC, C, C++… and all these other languages in between, those that most people pass by such as Ada, Eiffel, Icon… And the languages you kind of have to learn because you’re in it: Bourne Shell, configuration files for 100 different software, Makefile, etc.
And once you know all of these languages, you think you’re done. Well… Not quite!
The web has got it’s own set of languages! It
For the last few days, Doug and I have been working on switching from our old server to our new server. The new one is with that offers VPS (Virtual Private Servers). It was a nice surprise, the computer we have access to has 8 processors running at 3Ghz (”proven” by the Linux Bogomips computation: 5985.31) And so far, I’ve seen about 0.8% of one processor being used. The rest is 100% idle most of the time!
This is a subject that comes back all the time in C/C++ boards.
Should you use assertions?
The answer is clearly yes. But the C/C++ assert() function is usually defined using a macro. Macros have several problems. The most common ones are: they offer no type checking, they do not warn you about weird side effects, they have a different syntax than the C/C++ language itself.
One good thing: for a fast program, the debug code used to check parameters, results, etc. is gone.
One really bad thing: if the expression in the macro has a side effect, the release program is different from ...