By default, the node tag can be used without any of the parameters that add content (the parameters without the [no content] comment in their description title.) In that case, the content of the node is inserted as if content had been specified.
However, since version 6-1.1, the theme of the default parameter can be overloaded. This means you can change the default by writing a function to overload the default.
CSS Class: div.insert-node-content
Theme: InsertNode_default
Display the body of the node, the terms, the CCK fields, and the links. Input filters are applied.
When no output parameter is used, this is what appears by default. However, the "default" theme can be changed.
CSS Class: div.insert-node-content
Theme: InsertNode_content
See Also: Insert Node Parameter: body (5-1.x)
Display the body of the node, the terms, the CCK fields, and the links. Input filters are applied.
In this case the Insert Node tells the node that it is its page. Some modules will react differently than when body is used.
CSS Class: div.insert-node-page
Theme: InsertNode_page
See Also: Insert Node Parameter: body (5-1.x)
Display the body of the node, the terms and the CCK fields. Input filters are applied.
CSS Class: div.insert-node-body
Theme: InsertNode_body
See Also: Insert Node Parameter: content (6-1.0), Insert Node Parameter: page (6-1.2), Insert Node Parameter: teaser (5-1.x), Insert Node Parameter: themed (6-1.0)
Display the themed body of the node and the terms as if you were looking at that very node.
The CCK fields and links are not shown. The filters are not applied.
This means if you use a filter such as the footnotes filter with [fn]Info tags, they will NOT be transformed.
CSS Class: no class is added, this keyword returns the theme() call content immediately.
Theme: InsertNode_themed
See Also: Insert Node Parameter: body (5-1.x)
Pop the class name for the new object to create. Pop the number of arguments. Pop each argument (if i2 is zero, then no arguments are popped.) Create an object of class s1. Call the constructor function (which has the same name as the object class: s1). The result of the constructor is discarded. Push the created object on the stack. The object should then be saved in a variable or object member.
Pop the name of a constructor (s1 - ie. "Color") then an object (o2). Checks whether the object is part of the class defined by the named constructor. If so, then true is push on the stack, otherwise false.
Since SWF version 7, it is possible to cast an object to another using the Cast Object action. This action returns a copy of the object or Null, which in many cases can be much more practical.
This action declares an object as a sub-class of one or more interfaces. The syntax here is simple, the real implementation is quite unbelievably difficult to fathom.
The following shows you how you can add an implements of interfaces "A" and "B" to the class "C". Notice that class "C" needs to already exist. Here we assume that all classes are defined in the global scope.
push data "_global" get variable push data "A" get member push data "_global" get variable push data "B" get ...
The Extends action will be used to define a new object extending another object. The declaration in ActionScript is:
class A extends B;
In an SWF action script, you don't exactly declare objects, you actually instantiate them and define their functions. This action creates a new object named s2 which is an extension of the object s1.
Use this action whenever you need to inherit an object without calling its constructor.
Pop the number of members that will be created in the object. Pop one value and one name1 per member and set the corresponding member in the object. The resulting object is pushed on the stack. It can later be sent to a function, saved in a register or set in a variable.