The CCK parameter let you insert one of your CCK field and some node fields that cannot otherwise be added without being themed.
We support CCK fields and several special field names as follow.
Fields that appeared after version 6-1.2 have a version specified between parenthesis (i.e. 6-1.3).
The CCK parameter must be followed by a field name. An empty name is likely to generate an error. The name of a field that does not exist is likely to generate nothing.
For instance, if you have a field named see_also, you would write:
Put the generated content inside a collapsible frame.
The frame is expanded at the start.
By default, the title of the node is used as the title of the frame. You can specify (since 6-1.2) the title as the value of the parameter:
collapsible=There is my other node;
See Also: Insert Node Parameter: collapsed (6-1.0) [no content]
The version of the module for Drupal 5.x outputs the body whenever the collapsible parameter is used.
Note that the parameter value ends with a semi-colon! Do not include quotes unless you want to see them in the output. Yes. This means the
Display the body of the node, the terms, the CCK fields, and the links. Input filters are applied.
When no output parameter is used, this is what appears by default. However, the "default" theme can be changed.
CSS Class: div.insert-node-content
Theme: InsertNode_content
See Also: Insert Node Parameter: body (5-1.x)
Display the body of the node, the terms, the CCK fields, and the links. Input filters are applied.
In this case the Insert Node tells the node that it is its page. Some modules will react differently than when body is used.
CSS Class: div.insert-node-page
Theme: InsertNode_page
See Also: Insert Node Parameter: body (5-1.x)
Display the body of the node, the terms and the CCK fields. Input filters are applied.
CSS Class: div.insert-node-body
Theme: InsertNode_body
See Also: Insert Node Parameter: content (6-1.0), Insert Node Parameter: page (6-1.2), Insert Node Parameter: teaser (5-1.x), Insert Node Parameter: themed (6-1.0)
Display the themed body of the node and the terms as if you were looking at that very node.
The CCK fields and links are not shown. The filters are not applied.
This means if you use a filter such as the footnotes filter with [fn]Info tags, they will NOT be transformed.
CSS Class: no class is added, this keyword returns the theme() call content immediately.
Theme: InsertNode_themed
See Also: Insert Node Parameter: body (5-1.x)
The Insert node tag syntax is:
[node:<name of node> <parameters>]
The <name of node> can either be
Version 6.x added many new features (parameters, themes, etc.) to the module. However, the tags themselves remain backward compatible except for those two parameters:
The D5 version will insert the node content and make it collapsible or collapsed.
The D6 version inserts nothing on these parameters. It only makes the result collapsible or collapsed.
So if you are using D5 and want to keep the collapsible and collapsed look the same, you must add the body keyword as in:
[node:123 body collapsible]
[node:123 body collapsed]
Pop a value from the stack representing the new property value.
Pop the name of the property to be changed. Note that the property scheme is from version 4 and as such the property name can be represented by a number. Older version actually only accepted floating point numbers.
Finally, pop the name of the object where the specified field property is modified.
The following is the list of currently accepted properties or fields for the Get Property and the Set Property actions. Note that the properties can be specified with either an integer (type 7, requires V5.0+) or a single precision floating point (type 1, V4.0 compatible). And since strings are automatically transformed in a value when required, one can use a string to represent the property number (type 0). It works with a double value, I even tested a Boolean and null and it works. Obviously it isn't a good idea to use these. The default should be a single precision float. Please, see the Push Data action for more information about data types.
WARNING: | Adobe is trying to phase out this functionality. It is very likely not working in ABC code and it is not necessary since objects have member functions that can be used for the exact same purpose and it is a lot cleaner to use those instead. |
Query the property n1 of the object named s2 (a field in a structure if you wish), and push the result on the stack. Note that since version 5, it is preferable to use Get Member or Call Method when a corresponding variable or function member is available on the object.
The following is the list of currently accepted properties or fields for the Get Property and the Set Property actions. Note that the properties can be specified with either an integer (type 7, requires V5.0+) or a single precision floating point (type 1, V4.0 compatible). And since strings are automatically transformed in a value when required, one can use a string to represent the property number (type 0). It works with a double value, I even tested a Boolean and null and it works. Obviously it isn't a good idea to use these. The default should be a single precision float. Please, see the Push Data action for more information about data types.
WARNING: | Adobe is trying to phase out this functionality. It is very likely not working in ABC code and it is not necessary since objects have member functions that can be used for the exact same purpose and it is a lot cleaner to use those instead. |