The shape records are typed. Depending on that type, the contents vary. The following defines one structure for each type. The shape record is a union of these structures.
It is important to note that the f_shape_move_x and f_shape_move_y are not deltas from the current point, but a position from the current shape origin. All the other positions are defined as deltas from the previous position, including the anchors which are deltas from the control point position!
The following table defines the number of TWIPs to move left or right before to draw the 2nd character when the 1st one was drawn right before it. For instance, the letters AV may be drawn really close so the V is written over the A. To the contrary, WI may be seperated some more so the I doesn't get merged to the top of the W.
The computation to move the drawing pen is done as follow:
Made to Order Software is proud to announce a complete switch-over of our main site to Drupal! With this switch we are introducing new features which we hope will make your visit to our site more enjoyable.
Order Made!® Restaurant software for online Customer orders that's Customer and Restaurant friendly. Increase sales and profits by launching your restaurant into the 21st Century.
Choose how your customers can pay you. Edit your menu daily: change your prices, add specials, etc. Use our online newsletter to keep your customers informed of your specials. Order Made! is truly an advanced online ordering system.
This tag will be used to specify where and how to place an object in the next frame. The PlaceObject is much different and is presented separately.
The f_depth field is used to indicate at which depth the character is inserted in the current frame. There can be only one object per depth value (thus a maximum of 65536 objects can appear on a single frame).
The f_place_has_move and f_place_has_id_ref flags are used to indicate what to do at the given depth. The following table presents what happens depending on the current value.
f_place_has_move ...
Apparently there was some testing with using Postscript like instructions to render shapes. I support that is close to the time when the ActionScript language was not yet fully functional. The content of this tag is not described anywhere and is more than likely not supported in newer versions.
These tags declares a loss-less image bitmap. It has a small header followed by an optional colormap and the bitmap data. When we have a colormap, the bitmap data is an array of indices in the colormap aligned to 4 bytes on a per row basis.
There are three supported formats:
(bits)Color Format Comments Without
(8 bits(1))RGB ...
The SoundStreamBlock tag defines the data of a sound effect previously defined with a SoundStreamHead or a SoundStreamHead2 tag.
WARNING: This tag requires you to save the swf_tag structure in long format whatever the size of the data (i.e. f_tag_and_size & 0x3F == 0x3F always true even if the size is 62 or less.)
The data depends on the SoundStreamHead[2] definition and is variable in size. Please, see the DefineSound tag for more information about sound data.
The SoundStreamHead[2] tags define a sound effect which is to be loaded with a set of SoundStreamBlock tags. It defines the sound once and for all.
Streaming sound has a strong side effect when playing a movie: it will force a synchronization between the images and the audio. Thus some images may be dropped if the drawing isn't fast enough.
The DefineButtonSound can be used to emit a sound when an event occur on the specified button. It is likely better to use sprites that you display using actions than to use this tag. You will have access to more events and conditions, plus this tag always includes four sound effect references.
The f_button_id_ref is a reference to the button given sound effects.