It always amazes me when one finds a security issue that looks like something that should never have happened in the first place.
This one was found earlier this year by Wietse Venema who first discovered the issue in Postfix.
He fixed the Postfix server quickly, however, he went further. He actually tested many other servers sending commands that bypass that very security measure and to his surprised he found out that Postfix wasn't the only system affected by the problem.
For those interested, all the details of the problem can be found on the Postfix website as CVE-2011-411.
A ...
Add a window target in a link. For example
[node:123 target=_blank; link]
This option only applies to links and defines the target attribute of those links, as created with:
Insert Node Parameter: title (6-1.1),
Insert Node Parameter: link (5-1.0), or
Insert Node Parameter: more (6-1.1).
Using the target option by itself resets the Insert Node module to the default behavior (i.e. no target attribute):
[node:123 target=_blank; link target more]
The title link will have target="_blank" and the more link will not.
Note that this data is ...
Select the menu to be displayed as the Simplemenu. By default, we display the Navigation Menu which makes the most sense for administrator (as the Simplemenu was primarily created for administrators wanting to quickly go to all administration pages.)
Select a theme to display your Simplemenu items and dropdowns. The default is called original.
The themes reside in the module sub-folder named themes. Each theme is defined in a specific directory named after the theme. That name is what appears in the dropdown in the settings.
It is possible to add new themes as
Version 7.x-1.x-dev is a starting point... It is not complete, although it shows you a functional Management menu as a dropdown. More to come as time allows... See issue [#791664] for more info.
Version 6.x-1.13 fixes the vertical menu problem which had to do with CSS caching getting lost.
Version 6.x-1.10 to 6.x-1.12 fixes the non-called theme() function versus the other sub-modules that have callbacks through the theme() calls. However, we really need to have callbacks instead. Added horizontal and vertical themes. Attempts to fix to the vertical menu problem
The main idea of MobileKey is to give you the capability to switch your website theme to a mobile specific theme when the user access your site from one's mobile phone. A mobile theme will make it easier to access your website on a mobile device.
For go to the ThemeKey settings page:
Administer » Site configuration » ThemeKey
The MobileKey adds one selection to the list of attributes to match. The new selection is called:
This works everywhere on your website (it is a global option, not specific to any kind of pages.) The system checks different parameters to
The new module allows for a password fork.
This means you can send your users to one specific page, and tell them about a password to use on that one page. Depending on the password, they will be sent to one of several nodes.
This works in a very similar way as the other password form, except that there is no specific destination, and the users need to know any one of the passwords.
The feature uses a specific URL defined as follow:
Once installed and properly configured, the Protected node module adds a field set in the node edit form (assuming the user has the corresponding permission: "edit any password" or "edit password <node type>".)
This field set includes two flags, a password, and emails (optional.)
By default, the field set is closed unless you selected protected by default. Whether the field set should be opened or closed can selected in the node type settings.
The first check box is used to password
The protected node module has global settings found under:
Administer » Site configuration » Protected node
The page starts with statistics to let you know how pages are protected on your website. All the counts include published and unpublished content.
The basics of the Protected Node installation are easy:
Once you have installed the module, you probably want to change the permissions. Permissions allow your users to access the Protected Node functionality based on their roles. Please, see the point about Permissions for more information about those.
Now, you're ready ...
The Protected Node module is used on websites where some pages need to be password protected. This is different from asking someone to create an account and often seen as much more user friendly, although in terms of protection it is quite similar.
If you've seen photo websites where you can go to an album but have to enter a password to see the photos, that's one example how this module can be used.
The module adds a field set in the node form to let authors enter a password.
The module has many options that are rather tricky to use so this documentation tries to explain what you can do