There is a Link Node project that can be used to generate a link to a node using the node title or another user specified title.
This is similar to using the following with Insert Node:
[node:<name> title=<my link>;]
If you want to include a view, use the insert_view module instead.
If you want to include blocks in your nodes (or other blocks, scary, hey?!), use the insert_block module instead.
If you know or have a similar project, please, feel free to post a comment below and I will add it to the list.
Thank ...
The Insert node tag syntax is:
[node:<name of node> <parameters>]
The <name of node> can either be
I changed the name of the module back to InsertNode (although I did not want to, I did not want to jeopardize the Drupal 5 version... which would probably have been fine, but well...)
So, the newer version of the D6 module is again called InsertNode.
To upgrade you will want to keep the other version running until you get the new version as the replacement (although you can manage your site the way you'd like this procedure let you switch from the previous version to the new version without having to turn off your site for a little while.)
That's it! The phone commissioners have finally decided that it's OK for telemarketers to call cell phones and try to sell you their products and services.
Personally, I do not think that, in itself, it is a bad thing... except that if I receive even just 1 call a day and have to spend 1 minute each time, I will be burning 30 minutes a month for nothing. (Okay, with 1,000 minutes a month, it wouldn't matter that much, but that's like text messaging... if you receive spam via your phone and you have to pay 20 cents for each spam email you receive, the bill goes up quickly ...
Declare a try/catch/finally block.
This has the behavior of the action script:
try { ... } catch(name) { ... } finally { ... }
In version 7, there are no definition of exceptions in the ActionScript interpreter. However, you can write functions that Throw.
The semantic of the try/catch/finally block is very well defined in ECMA 262 version 3 (see pages 87/88).
f_finally and f_catch may not both be zero or the semantic of the try block would be invalid. f_try_size, f_catch_size and f_finally_size are defined in bytes and give the size of each of the block of instructions just like a ...
Declare a function which can later be called with the Call Function action or Call Method action (when defined as a function member.) The f_function_length1 defines the number of bytes that the function declaration uses after the header (i.e. the size of the actions defined in the function.) All the actions included in this block are part of the function body.
Declare a function which later can be called with the Call Function action. The f_function_length1 defines the number of bytes that the function declaration takes. All the actions included in this block are part of the function. A function should terminate with a Return action. The value used by the return statement should be the only value left on the caller stack.
Declare an array of strings that will later be retrieved using the Push Data action with a dictionary lookup. There can be a maximum of 65534 strings. The visibility of a dictionary is within its DoAction or other similar block of actions. Note that you should have only one Declare Dictionary. The dictionary is visible from everywhere in the DoAction. In other words, you can access it from functions1, With blocks, try/catch/finally blocks, etc.
When multiple Declare Dictionary actions are used, ...
Pop a Boolean value; if true then jump to the specified action; otherwise continue with the following actions.
There is no Branch If False action. Instead, first use the Logical Not, then Branch If True.
Jump to the specified action. The offset is added to the current execution pointer as it is after reading the branch instruction.
The offset must be such that when added to the current execution pointer it points to a valid action (i.e. you cannot jump in the middle of a Push Data or any other multi-byte action.)