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Another reason to like SeaMonkey!

As I mentioned before, I like to use SeaMonkey. In general, browsing wise, it is very much like Firefox so that's good for those people who like Firefox, they can switch without losing much else than the location where the toolbar buttons are (Quite a few are in different places).

The thing I discovered today, though, is really cool. I put a path to an email saved on my disk to see whether the HTML in that email was valid or not and it loaded at once. Just before hitting Enter I though, wait... I probably should remove the email header. Nope. No need. It actually recognized the data and ...

Simplemenu Settings

Menu Settings


Select the menu to be displayed as the Simplemenu. By default, we display the Navigation Menu which makes the most sense for administrator (as the Simplemenu was primarily created for administrators wanting to quickly go to all administration pages.)


Select a theme to display your Simplemenu items and dropdowns. The default is called original.

The themes reside in the module sub-folder named themes. Each theme is defined in a specific directory named after the theme. That name is what appears in the dropdown in the settings.

It is possible to add new themes as

Only add identifiers and optionally numbers to my headers


The Table of Contents module uses the headers to get generated. Each header gets a unique identifier when none were assigned manually. The Table of Contents module uses the text between the start and end tags as the title to show in the table of contents.

Very good!

Now, you may not want the Table of Contents itself, but you like the idea to have identifiers in all your headers. This can be useful to create in-page links (a link with an anchor, i.e. #some-name at the end of your URL.) It is generally annoying to have to enter the identifiers by hand for each header and you may

Upgrade from Table of Contents 2.x to 3.x

Make a Backup


That way you can come back to your previous version if anything goes wrong. So far, no one told me that they had a problem upgrading. Although version 2.x did not have any schema, the new module may modify nodes and generate incompatible tags.

Show stopper

Version 3.x has a new theme() scheme. It is much more powerful has it allows you to create your own header numbering, etc. However, if you already had a theme() overload in your theme, it will stop working until fixed.

Please, in this case, make sure to upgrade on

Table of Contents Settings

Filter Configuration

At this point, most of the Table of Contents configuration is done in the Table of Contents filter.

This means multiple Input formats allow you to make use of several different configurations.

Table of Contents Known Issues

Various known issues with the Table of Contents module.

Teaser appear, FCKeditor accentuated letters,  Back to top arrow, Filters interaction (JavaScript removal,) headers numbering, double numbering...

Declare Function (V7)

SWF Action
Action Category: 
Action Details: 
(256 variables)
Action Identifier: 
Action Structure: 
string     f_name;
unsigned short   f_arg_count;
unsigned char   f_reg_count;
unsigned short   f_declare_function2_reserved : 7;
unsigned short   f_preload_global : 1;
unsigned short   f_preload_parent : 1;
unsigned short   f_preload_root : 1;
unsigned short   f_suppress_super : 1;
unsigned short   f_preload_super : 1;
unsigned short   f_suppress_arguments : 1;
unsigned short   f_preload_arguments : 1;
unsigned short   f_suppress_this : 1;
unsigned short   f_preload_this : 1;
swf_params   f_params[f_arg_count];
unsigned short   f_function_length;

WARNING: the preload/suppress flags are defined on a short and thus the bytes in a Flash file will look swapped.

Action Length: 
-1 byte(s)
Action Stack: 
Action Operation: 
create a function on the current target
Action Flash Version: 

Declare a function which can later be called with the Call Function action or Call Method action (when defined as a function member.) The f_function_length1 defines the number of bytes that the function declaration uses after the header (i.e. the size of the actions defined in the function.) All the actions included in this block are part of the function body.

  • 1. A function is limited to 65535 bytes.

Appendix A — The geometry in SWF — Coordinates

The most common and simple geometric information are the object coordinates on the output screen. These are defined in TWIPs. There are 20 twips per pixels. Note that an embedded SWF file can be enlarged and/or reduced thus changing this basic scaling factor. To have exactly 20 twips per pixel you must ensure that the EMBED and/or OBJECT tags use a WIDTH and HEIGHT with exactly the same value as in the rectangle defined in the SWF header file divided by 20.

SWF Actions

The pages defined below include all the actions defined in Flash.

Different actions are supported in different version, so please, look at the version when attempting to use that action.

Some actions have been deprecated and should not be used in newer version of Flash (mainly the untyped operators.)

There are two schemes supported in Flash 9 and over: ActionScript 2 and 3 (also referenced as AS2 and AS3.)


Tag Info
Tag Number: 
Tag Type: 
Tag Flash Version: 
Brief Description: 

A bitmap compressed using ZLIB (similar to the PNG format).

Tag Structure: 
struct swf_definebitslossless {
	swf_long_tag		f_tag;		/* 20 or 36 */
	unsigned short		f_image_id;
	unsigned char		f_format;	/* 3, 4 or 5 */
	unsigned short		f_width;
	unsigned short		f_height;
	if(f_format == 3) {
		unsigned char	f_colormap_count;
		if(f_tag == DefineBitsLossless) {
			swf_rgb		f_colormap[f_colormap_count];
		else {
			swf_rgba	f_colormap[f_colormap_count];
		unsigned char	f_indices[((f_width + 3) & -4) * f_height];
	else {
		if(f_tag == DefineBitsLossless) {
			swf_xrgb	f_bitmap[f_width * f_height];
		else {
			swf_argb	f_bitmap[f_width * f_height];

These tags declares a loss-less image bitmap. It has a small header followed by an optional colormap and the bitmap data. When we have a colormap, the bitmap data is an array of indices in the colormap aligned to 4 bytes on a per row basis.

There are three supported formats:

Color Format Comments
(8 bits(1))