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Using the Taxonomy VTN View feature

One of the options to link terms in a vocabulary to their view is:


This option sends you to that path, exactly (where voc-xxx and term-xxx are numbers representing the vocabulary identifier and term identifier respectively.)

As is, it will tell you that the page does not exist. This is because the taxonomy_view path is to be created with the View module. To create a taxonomy VTN view, you want to define two arguments:

  • Vocabulary, and
  • Term.

The result is a list of nodes that you can control with very high granularity, sort the way you want them ...

Only add identifiers and optionally numbers to my headers


The Table of Contents module uses the headers to get generated. Each header gets a unique identifier when none were assigned manually. The Table of Contents module uses the text between the start and end tags as the title to show in the table of contents.

Very good!

Now, you may not want the Table of Contents itself, but you like the idea to have identifiers in all your headers. This can be useful to create in-page links (a link with an anchor, i.e. #some-name at the end of your URL.) It is generally annoying to have to enter the identifiers by hand for each header and you may

Appendix A — The geometry in SWF — Edges

Edges are used to define a shape vector based and also coordinates where images need to be drawn. The edges are always coordinates from where ever your last point was to where ever you want the next point to be (a little like a turtle in LOGO).

Appendix A — The geometry in SWF — Matrix

The coordinates are often transformed with the use of a matrix. The matrix is similar to a transformation matrix in Postscript. It includes a set of scaling factors, rotation angles and translations.

When only the scaling factors are used (no rotation) then these are ratios as one would expect. If a rotation is also applied, then the scaling ratios will be affected accordingly.

Internet Explorer “Save As …”

Today, I found a good one. Internet Explorer has a “Save As …” feature that let you save a page that you are visiting.

The page I have includes a table with a cell that has the align and valign attributes set to center and middle respectively. Once saved with Internet Explorer, these change to vAlign and align and center and middle respectively. Yes. Meaning that the values are swapped. Now the valign says center instead of middle, which will work with most browsers, but the worst is the align that is set to middle. That should never happen.