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LLChatLib: Class List

Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
LLSrvRecord::ComparePriorityLowestFunctor for sorting SRV records by priority
LLAres::HostResponderBase class for responding to hostname lookups
LLAaaaRecordAAAA RR, for IPv6 addresses
LLAddrRecordBase class for address-related RRs
LLARecordA RR, for IPv4 addresses
LLAresAsynchronous address resolver
LLBufferAbstract base class for buffers
LLBufferArrayClass to represent scattered memory buffers and in-order segments of that buffered data
LLBufferStreamThis implements an istream based wrapper around an LLBufferArray
LLBufferStreamBufThis implements the buffer wrapper for an istream
LLChainIOFactoryThis class is an abstract base class for building io chains
LLChangeChannelThis class changes the channel of segments in the buffer
LLChannelDescriptorsA way simple interface to accesss channels inside a buffer
LLCloneIOFactory< Pipe >Implementation for a facory which copies a particular pipe
LLContextURLExtractorThis class unpacks the url out of a agent usher service so it can be packed into a LLURLRequest object
LLDateThis class represents a particular point in time in UTC
LLDeferredChainThis class allows easy addition of a chain which will sleep and then process another chain
LLDnsRecordBase class for all DNS RR types
LLEventPoll< implements the viewer side of server-to-viewer pushed events
LLFilterSD2XMLRPCFilter from serialized LLSD to an XMLRPC method call
LLFilterSD2XMLRPCRequestFilter from serialized LLSD to an XMLRPC method call
LLFilterSD2XMLRPCResponseFilter from serialized LLSD to an XMLRPC response
LLFilterXMLRPCRequest2LLSDFilter from serialized XMLRPC method call to LLSD
LLFilterXMLRPCResponse2LLSDFilter from serialized XMLRPC method response to LLSD
LLHeapBufferA large contiguous buffer allocated on the heap with new[]
LLHostRecordBase class for host-related RRs
LLHTTPNodeBase class which handles url traversal, response routing and support for standard LLSD services
LLIOAddChainSimple pipe that just adds a chain to a pump
LLIOBufferThis class is an io class that represents an automtically resizing io buffer
LLIOFlushThis class is used as a mini chain head which drains the buffer
LLIOPipeThis class is an abstract base class for data processing units
LLIOServerSocketAn IOPipe implementation which listens and spawns connected sockets
LLIOSleepThis is a simple helper class which will hold a chain and process it later using pump mechanisms
LLIOSocketReaderAn LLIOPipe implementation which reads from a socket
LLIOSocketWriterAn LLIOPipe implementation which writes to a socket
LLLinkedList< DATA_TYPE >
LLPumpIO::LLLinkInfoStruct to associate a pipe with it's buffer io indexes
LLMemoryInfoClass to query the memory subsystem
LLMemoryStreamThis implements a wrapper around a piece of memory for istreams
LLMemoryStreamBufThis implements a wrapper around a piece of memory for istreams
LLMimeIndexSkeletal information useful for handling mime packages
LLMimeParserThis class implements a MIME parser and verifier
LLPumpIOClass to manage sets of io chains
LLQueryResponderBase class for friendly handling of DNS query responses
LLRunnableAbstract base class for running some scheduled process
LLRunnerThis class manages a set of LLRunnable objects
LLScopedLockSmall class to help lock and unlock mutexes
LLSDAppServicesThis class forces a link to llsdappservices if the static method is called which declares the /app web services
LLSDBinaryFormatterFormatter which outputs the LLSD as a binary notation format
LLSDBinaryParserParser which handles binary formatted LLSD
LLSDFormatterAbstract base class for formatting LLSD
LLSDJSONParserParser which handles the original notation format for LLSD
LLSDNotationFormatterFormatter which outputs the original notation format for LLSD
LLSDNotationParserParser which handles the original notation format for LLSD
LLSDNotationStreamFormatterFormatter which is specialized for use on streams which outputs the original notation format for LLSD
LLSDParserAbstract base class for LLSD parsers
LLSDRPCClientClient class for a structured data remote procedure call
LLSDRPCClientFactory< Client >Basic implementation for making an SD RPC client factory
LLSDRPCClientResponseAbstract base class to represent a response from an SD server
LLSDRPCMethodCall< Server >Class which implements member function calls
LLSDRPCMethodCallBaseBase class for calling a member function in an sd rpcserver implementation
LLSDRPCServerBasic implementation of a structure data rpc server
LLSDSerializeSerializer / deserializer for the various LLSD formats
LLSDXMLFormatterFormatter which outputs the LLSD as XML
LLSDXMLParserParser which handles XML format LLSD
LLSegmentA segment is a single, contiguous chunk of memory in a buffer
LLServiceThis class is the base class for the service classes
LLServiceBuilderThis class builds urls for us to use when making web service calls
LLServiceCreatorThis class is an abstract base class for classes which create new LLService instances
LLSimpleIOFactory< Pipe >Basic implementation for making a factory that returns a 'chain' of one object
LLSocketImplementation of a wrapper around a socket
LLURLRequestClass to handle url based requests
LLURLRequestClientFactoryTemplate class to build url request based client chains
LLURLRequestCompleteClass which can optionally be used with an LLURLRequest to get notification when the url request is complete
LLViewerChatterBoxSessionStartReplyHeader for the chatter box stuff
LLViewerLoginA class to manage the viewer's login state
LLXMLSDRPCClientFactory< Client >Basic implementation for making an XMLRPC to SD RPC client factory
LLAres::NameInfoResponderBase class for responding to address lookups
LLAres::QueryResponderBase class for responding to custom searches
LLAres::SrvResponderClass for handling SRV query responses
LLAres::UriRewriteResponderClass for handling URI rewrites based on SRV records
Generated on Thu Sep 23 17:18:38 2010 for LLChatLib by  doxygen 1.6.3